This Beta version of the award-winning Mozilla Firefox Web browser is better than ever. Now you can browse the Web completely safe as it will protect you from security threats such as viruses, spyware and pop-ups.
There are several engine improvements, mainly concerning page rendering, better performance and format support.
When getting started, Firefox 3.0 makes it really easy to import your favorites and settings.
Its most remarkable feature is DHTML accessibility support which, if it is enabled by Web authors, allows you to read rich Web applications.
This latest version brings easier navigation to all of us, also for those who have physical impairments. Mouse usage is drastically reduced in this version as users may use keystrokes to navigate, even reducing the former nessesary tabbing to navigate wide documents such as spreadsheets.
More over, changes are not only related to external issues, but to the app's inner aspect, with lots of improvement in the memory management section and Javascript performance.
Opera es un navegador web multi-pestañas con posibilidades de sincronización de datos del navegador.
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